What is SQLi Dumper?
SQLi Dumper is a tool to automate the process of detection and exploitation of SQL injection vulnerabilities. For finding accounts, the tool can be used to build HQ combos. To find dorks to look for, you'll also need a Dorks Generator. Pagetype and Pageformat have been added to assist you in creating HQ dorks.
The following version are included:
+---SQLi Dumper v.10.1 +---SQLi Dumper v.10.2 +---SQLi Dumper v.10.3 +---SQLi Dumper v.10.4 +---SQLi Dumper v.10.5 +---SQLi Dumper v.10.6 +---SQLi Dumper v.5.1 +---SQLi Dumper v.7.0 +---SQLi Dumper v.8.0 +---SQLi Dumper v.8.2 +---SQLi Dumper v.8.3 +---SQLi Dumper v.8.5 +---SQLi Dumper v.9.7
Servers - SQLi Dumper
[button href="https://ouo.io/rRii03"]File-Up[/button]
[button href="https://ouo.io/nJjwnl"]Up-4Ever[/button]
[button href="https://ouo.io/5ctXwj"]FileGator[/button]
[button href="https://ouo.io/V5Q9wi"]PrivateBin[/button]
Dorks Generator

N3RoX's SQLi Dorks Generator is a useful tool for creating dorks. The program is very easy to use: simply paste the keywords, page type, and page format, then press the "generate" button. For keyword generation you can use any online website, Make sure to use good page type, and page format.
Servers - Dorks Generator
[button href="https://ouo.io/TjHXkYR"]File-Up[/button]
[button href="https://ouo.io/d8JbgMd"]Up-4Ever[/button]
[button href="https://ouo.io/6rrkTLF"]FileGator[/button]
[button href="https://ouo.io/jmlYYM"]PrivateBin[/button]
Servers - Page Type/Format
[button href="https://ouo.io/ZxH1WX"]File-Up[/button]
[button href="https://ouo.io/zd553MW"]Up-4Ever[/button]
[button href="https://ouo.io/hxFIbJ"]FileGator[/button]
[button href="https://ouo.io/kXlgp3N"]PrivateBin[/button]